Replica Product Copy Branded – Buy Cheap Fashion Fake Item In China

Replica product copy branded designer stuffs are very popular in China. There are many clients inquiry us to guide them. In order to sourcing retail or wholesale fake items. And buy wholesale to export from China market. Although we always remind them. That copy or replica designer products are illegal buying in China. Why so many inquires for replica products wholesale sourcing and buying from China? Because it’s fashion, cheap, and high quality. As original collections manufacture from Chinese factory directly. And someone are interested the individual copy designer products. While someone are for resell business. Or wholesale copy branded products dropship from China market. Meantime, it’s profitable then unbranded buyers. And cheap fashion items are very hot selling for the re-sellers.
There are really many copy branded designer products wholesale markets in China. And you can source to find any designer colletions. For instance, replica fashion clothing. Or copy branded purse bags. Or fake stuff of shoes. Like sneaker, sandals, and slippers. As well as braned fashion accessories. There are many replica branded designer glasses products. And copy branded luxury jewelry. Which are whole sale in China very cheap price. In fact, many clients from Europe, Canada, and America. Who are seeking such fake items to sell. For example, usa, uk, and Italy. Or Germany, France, Spain, etc. And they normally have own shops or online websites.
Buy replica product and copy branded fake items in China wholesale market
1. Top quality copy fake items seems same as original designer branded products
Many foreigners come to China wholesale markets to sourcing and buying cheap fashion replica products. In Guangzhou wholesale market, too many copy branded factory and China suppliers. Where you can easily find any branded fashion items in a very cheap price. And you can find the quality are generally same as the original branded designer items. What is genuine or fake? If you are not professional in replica product business. Then you surely can’t identify them. Why? There are too many top quality copy products from Chnese factory. With same fabric material, same design. And even same producing technique. Such items we call it original copy products. Because the fake branded products come from the same factory. As the original items produced. There are many 1 : 1 original fake items. Which means the quality seems same as the original branded designer products.
There are many brand name of the fake items. For instance, sprots sneakers of Nike, Adidas, Jordan, etc. Or handbags brand name of lv, burberry, prada, etc. Or givenchy, chanel, hermes, dior, etc. And so on. With even all of the fashion design collecion of the brand company. For instance, lady evening party dresses. Or men’s printing t-shirt, cotton hoodies, and jeans pants. Or kids shoes, coat, tops, etc. In fact, any replica product you sourcing, you can find good factory suppliers or wholesalers in China market.
2. Various fake items in fashion design with cheap price
In fact, replica products is an unique fashion industry. Although it is illegal. But the price are really cheap. With good product quality. And it’s profitable for small business man. When you sourcing in China wholesale markets. Then you can easily find many featured copy products in each branded fashion categories. With the latest design, trendy, and fashion. Or same time with the original brand company launch their new collections in the boutiques. Which are all hot selling in foreign countries. Such as replica clothing product of dresses, blouse, t-shirt, etc. Or copy branded footwear of leather shoes. Such as sports trainers, and high heel shoes. Or fake bags items of handbag, purse, luggage, etc. As well as fashion design fake glasses. Or replica watches. Or high quality cheap jewelry. And kids replica branded apparel.
If you want to buy much cheaper and fashion copy products, there are many fake accessories branded items. For example, replica branded wallet, fake belts, and copy branded cap or scarf. These fake items are cheap price with good quality designer fashion products. And the textile fabric material are the best quality as original. While for foreign buyers, better to sourcing with your Chinese agent. Because in the wholesale market, many China vendors will invite you visit their shops. Which are in small street. Or they don’t have shops in the sales building. In fact, they are not factory suppliers. But only some poor fake items supplier with cheap price. Anyway, take care about the safety. When you purchasing in China wholesale market.
3. Risky of selling and buying wholesale replica copy branded products
As we all know, every designer branded product has strict measures to protect from copy or plagiarism. In fact, all of the copy wholesale or retail business are illegal. Because they don’t have any authorization or licensee, to produce and distribution the designer branded items. And it’s in violation of the law. If you consider about the original product of brand company. So many cost to design, test, and advertising to launch. While copy is no cost. For a business man, make money is very important. But for the designer original branded product, it’s unfair to the brand company.
Frankly, we’d like to remind you doing business in legal and safe way. And do consider seriously about the resell business. Before you place wholesale orders to the replica products sellers in China. If you simply want to buy some copy branded products or fake items for gifts. That’s a good choice to sourcing and buying in China wholesale markets. And you can made it as shopping luggage when custom clearance to flight.
4. Where to buy designer products in cheap price
Here we simply share you some basic information that know for every Chinese. In China, the most famous replica fashion products are in Guangzhou wholesale markets. There are several big wholesale markets for fake items with fashion cheap price. If you want to buy copy branded leather bags products. The best place is Sanyuanli bags wholesale market. So many replica fashion designer bags products and factory suppliers. And you can easily find copy branded bags products. Such as handbag, wallet, belts, etc. If you need buy from China copy branded shoes. Then better for you to sourcing in Zhanxi footwear wholesale market. In the whole sale center, you can find many branded leather shoes. Such as replica fashion sneakers. And fashion cheap sandals or slippers.
There are many replica fashion cheap clothing in Zhanxi wholesale market. Where you can find many wholesalers with fake items products. And the product quality is various in same sale building. Generally, baima, kindo, huimei, etc. Here need remind you. Just purchase from China wholesale suppliers directly. And don’t try to buy from online websties shops. Because of 2 reasons. Firstly, fashion textile products, better to check the quality at sight. Such as fabric material, handfeel, sewing quality, etc. Secondly, fake item is illegal. In fact, no China factory supplier would like to show products online shops. If you find some online shops for replica products. Maybe the websites will close suddenly. So that it’s risky for your purchasing business. Meantime, it’s easy to understand. How to public an illegal wholesale business online in China?
5. Tips to buy in China wholesale market for some special products
If you want to buy some replica products for personal using or gifts. Here we can share you some tips. In order to remind you buy the fake items in China wholesale market. With a cheap price to get fashion copy branded items safely.
- First of all, you’d better to hire a China agent guide in the wholesale markets. In order to sourcing and find cheap fashion items easily. Because the China agent knows the wholesale markets well. And they have special channels guide you sourcing for replica products.
- Secondly, you’d better to know the original branded items quality. Then you can check and compare the copy branded products or fake items. If you are not experienced in brand items. Then you can’t find any problem in replica product quality 1 : 1. For instance, you don’t know the replica products of leather. That fake items use for shoes, bags, handbag, etc. Or you don’t know the textile material or techniques manufacture. For the replica clothing products of dresses, t-shirt, skirt, etc.
- Thirdly, you should try to bargain the price of replica products. Because there are so many large profitable in copy branded products. If you hire a reliable China sourcing agent. And require them guide you. Then may purchase good quality fake items in cheap price.
- Finally, replica products, have various quality level in same design. Because of the material, quality level is not same. So that the price has a huge difference. For example, top quality as original will be several times expensive then poor quality. So pay attention to the replica quality and material. When you shopping in Guangzhou market. Then compare the price in same standard. And choose the cheap fashion fake items.
Comment (115)
Gjendi| 23/12/2022
Hello, I am very interested to cooperate with you.
Is it possible, to get an Email from you, with your catalogue, so I can check up.
Thank you| 14/01/2023
Hi, we have e-mail address at our webside, please write with your detailed requirements freely, our colleagues will follow up and reply asap.
Rez| 17/12/2022
Interested in purchasing replica designer clothes. Can you get in contact cheers| 19/12/2022
We are China sourcing agent / company, focus on top best quality designer items, replica based on your original samples, and supply cutomized making service.
We are working with direct factories for wholesale import export businss from China markets.
Rez| 17/12/2022
Interested in purchasing replica designer clothes. Can you get in contact cheers .| 19/12/2022
Yes, we are professional in fashion clothing, shoes, bags, wiht hot selling brands or designers items.
Colin| 07/12/2022
Would also like to purchase high quality replicas , please contact me thank you kindly| 13/12/2022
Sure, our staff has contacted you via email, with some of our online links for idea. Please note, we are original source with best prices, as we are only focus on wholesale businss, and most of our clients, buyers from foreign countries are wholesalers too.
Colin| 07/12/2022
Would also like to purchase high quality replicas , please contact me| 13/12/2022
Yes, we are professional in such items, for some brands, we have the best top quality factories.
Ardelind| 22/11/2022
Im looking for replica products
Please contact me| 13/12/2022
Yes, we are professional, with direct factories suppliers, and only focus on wholesale businss in streetwear clothing, shoes, bags, for many hot selling brands, we are supplying to wholesale markets vendors in China.
Afra| 14/07/2022
I want copy branded clothes good quality| 11/08/2022
Hi Afra, sure, we have completed supply chain with nice quality manufacturers in whole China markets, and we are working with direct factories for wholesale businss.
Our staff is contacting you, we shall go ahead based on your interested brands, styles, collections.
Angela| 18/05/2022
hi i will like to purchase some items for my store how can i see and purchase your items| 20/05/2022
Hi Angela, we are sourcing and buying agent company, and experienced in branded fashion designer collections, clothing, shoes, bags, etc.
What kind of your items selling at your store? We have the best supply chain in China, and most of our goods are dealing with direct factories.
Our colleage sent you a mail, please check.
meg| 11/02/2022
I’m interested in buying good copies of branded clothes for resale in LATIN AMERICA as well as high brand copy shoes . Can you help me ;
Thank you meg| 12/02/2022
Hi Meg, well noted, we sent you a mail, with some catalogue, fashion items for idea.
Generally, we are professional in designer brands fashion collections, replica the best quality.
Sa Gh| 09/01/2022
I’m interested in buying good copies of branded clothes for my shop. Can you help me ??
Eleftherios| 10/11/2021
I’m interested in buying good copies of branded clothes for personal use. Can you help me ;
Thank you Eleftherios| 16/11/2021
Hi Eeleftherios, please send us your interested designer brands, styles, or just the collection items you want, we shall update you detailed quotation list.
Maria| 13/09/2021
Hi, I’m looking for sophisticated designer clothes replicas for a good price. Can someone please help me?
From Brazil| 19/09/2021
Hi Maria, we have professional manufacturers who can replica 1:1 based on your original samples, including all of the accessories and trims.
If you require famous designer fashion designer clothes, shoes, bags, we have very competitive supply chains too.
Our staff shall contact you shortly.
Elliot| 10/05/2021
Hey, I’m interested in some high end clothing and shoes in 1.1 quality, I’m messaging to see if you could help supply me with these items? And if you could send me an email with catalogues of the stuff you have if possible, thank you| 24/05/2021
Hi Elliot, well understand, shall introduce about such fashion designs, and recommend you the best supplier products, which from direct manufacturers.
Sam| 30/04/2021
Hi, I’m Sam and I’d like to purchase some well made replicas, could you please send me your catalogue. much appreciated.| 24/05/2021
Dear Sam, regarding replica items, let’s discuss via email, as such branded products, like clothing, shoes, bags, glasses, are all popular in Guangzhou wholesale market, while better to discuss via email.
Rais| 07/04/2021
Hi I’m interested in starting a business selling High grade 1:1 for clothing, shoes,bag I need a reliable and fast supplier, could you please help| 09/04/2021
Hi Rais, for such branded design items, please discuss via email.
Lee| 08/03/2021
Hi I’m interested in starting a business selling High grade 1:1 for clothing, shoes,bag I need a reliable and fast supplier, could you please help me
Kevin| 08/03/2021
Hi Lee, well noted, our colleague will contact you via email with our online catalog shortly.
Hamza| 12/02/2021
Hi , I’m looking for a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, to source and buy for my online business some replica bags and other replica itemss
Kevin| 16/02/2021
Dear Hamza, glad to hear from you. We are experienced sourcing and buying agent company, help our clients purchase from China and export.
We are focus on wholesale business that buy from direct factories, no problem for us to find out good suppliers for different quality and price level.
Our staff sent you a mail, with our online catalogue, which only for your idea, but we have more various designs, and can sourcing new suppliers based on your requirements.
ege han| 15/12/2020
hi i want to replica clothes pls contact me
Kevin| 16/12/2020
Hi Ege, well noted that you are interested in replica clothes, while currently the fake brand fashion clothing, shoes, accessories are not so good business.
Because the shipping cost are crazy, and the inspections of DHL courier are strictly.
Anyway, we sent you a mail with some trendy new designs, please check.
Michael| 13/12/2020
Hi im Michael .Im looking for replica products
Please contact me
Kevin| 14/12/2020
Hi Michael, our staff will contact you via email.
Megan| 11/11/2020
Hi I’m looking for aaa grade replica/copy clothes shoes & bags etc supplier please
Kevin| 13/11/2020
Hi Megan, we send you our branded items catalogues already via email, and we are communicating for quotation process already.
Tomy| 01/10/2020
I am looking for replica designer items. please contact me via email. Thank you!!
Kevin| 04/10/2020
Hi Tomy, we sent you a mail with some basic replica branded products, for your idea.
We are sourcing and buying agent company in Guangzhou, where are the best whole sale market place for replica items.
However, we only work with several good quality replica manufacturers for years, who we are tested and reliable for quality and business, and we only resell good quality replica items, with reasonable cost-value.
Zoloo| 26/09/2020
Hi !
I need to find with high quality designer replica products for a low price. I sell replica designer products on Instagram and looking for a good replica manufacturers or supplier. I want to dropship. I hope you can help me.
Kevin| 26/09/2020
Dear Zoloo, we send you our online catalogues for replica branded items, as well as other fashion nice designs, please check.
We are sourcing and buying agent company in Guangzhou, and mostly we buy from direct manufacture suppliers in China, so that the price are surely competitive.
Regarding dropship serivce, if replica products, we agree to work, as it’s not bulk orders mostly, and easy to handle.
For some detailed information, we explained and reminded you via email, please check and rely.
Param Chapalgaonkar| 25/09/2020
Hi, I am looking for high end replicas of designer clothes for a good price. Can someone please help me?
Kevin| 26/09/2020
Dear Param, well noted you want to buy branded fake items, and we have some good manufactuers working together.
While the replica products have various quality level, and price level, it’s not easy to check if the cost-value are okay or not, so that we only resell high quality products.
And we mostly only buy from our old factory suppliers who are tested by us for years.
We sent you a mail with our current new designs, just a little, not too much, as there are so many famous brands and different designs.
If you have own interested designs, you can send us, we can check with our factories, but we will not source new suppliers, in order to avoid mistake of quality control.
Saadi| 17/09/2020
Hi , im looking to find the best quality/prices replica clothes ! .
Im looking forward to open my own store for replica and looking for a supplier .
Kevin| 20/09/2020
Hi Saadi, understand that buyers are always require the best quality and cheapest prices, while we only can service the best quality-cost value.
Regarding branded clothes, there are so many famous brands with different collections or design images, we only can share you some products from our direct purchasing manufactuers.
Surely, we think our manufacturers are the best quality-cost value suppliers, and don’t worry about the competitiveness both in China or your local wholesale markets.
Please check your mail, then we can discuss further for trial orders or sourcing service.
Kyleigh| 15/09/2020
I’m interested in 1:1 products
Kevin| 20/09/2020
Hi Kyleigh, we sent you a mail with some branded products catalogues, while only can show you some styles, as there are so many designs for various famous brands.
And we still need know your requirements for designs images, quality level, and target prices, etc. As you know, replica products are not so easy to find out the material difference,
and it’s really easy to find out 1:1 products, but still have top quality as original, or lower quality same designs as 1:1 items.
Ross| 05/09/2020
Hi , I am looking to buy replica designer wholesale tracksuits , trainers , T-shirt’s , coats , boxer sets everything really is this something you can do ?
Kevin| 07/09/2020
Dear Ross, for replica designer clothing, shoes, and bags, it’s very popular in Guangzhou, and there are many wholesalers or manufactures in the whole sale marketplaces.
No matter the quality level, material, styles, we all can help you find out the good suppliers. While we have own manufacture supply chain, that good qualty and high level.
Meanwhile, we mostly focus on un-branded products for wholesale or cusomized making service, and can help you sourcing and buying from direct Chinese factory suppliers.
For you interested collections of tracksuits, trainers, t-shirts, coats, boxer sets, or hoodies, pyjamas, sleepwear, we are all experienced and have completed supplie channel.
We sent you a mail, with our product information, please check and reply.
Kirsty Brown| 02/09/2020
Hi I am looking for designer printed satin pyjamas and accessories.
Kevin| 05/09/2020
Hi Kirsty, regarding designer pyjamas, there are many wholesalers and manufactuers in Guangzhou China, no problem for printed satin fabrics, and there are many branded apparel accessories too.
While for designed products, there are several or various quality level, could you please help us know more about your requirements?
We sent you a mail, and show you some collections images, hope your will be interested in, we can support you in stock ready made items, or customized making with your own designs or styles.
Deepan| 01/08/2020
Hi I’m interested in starting a business selling High grade 1:1 for clothing, shoes,bag, and some electronic gadgets. I need a reliable and fast supplier, could you please help me. And can you please share your catalog and ideas. Iam in India.
Kevin| 03/08/2020
Hi Deepan, regarding branded clothing, shoes, and bags, no problem, we have good high quality factory suppliers.
And we have many trendy and newest designs, that launched in each hot selling boutique shops.
We sent you a mail with some fashion designs catalogues, please check and help us understand your interested items.
Sam| 11/07/2020
Hi I’m looking for 1-1 copy’s of designer trainers,T-shirt’s,jeans,sliders,bags and more can u send me catalogs of what u can supply with prices thank u.
also can I send u pictures of clothing I want made if u don’t have a supplier making them already but will need fast shipping
Kevin| 15/07/2020
Dear Sam, for branded items, we have good quality manufacturers, no problem for wholesale in stock ready made clothing.
Or you want to customized making with your own interested bulk order.
For desinger traners, T shirts, jeans, as well we shoes, bags, all no problem only if the MOQ can accept.
We sent you a catalogue that the products are all comes from factory suppliers.
Please check and reply, then we can move ahead.
Arif| 25/06/2020
Hey, I’m interested in some high end clothing and shoes in 1.1 quality, I’m messaging to see if you could help supply me with these items? And if you could send me an email with catalogues of the stuff you have if possible, thank you
Kevin| 27/06/2020
Hi Arif, well received your email and we replied you with some product catalogues.
And we are already keep in touch via whatsApp too.
Daniil| 24/06/2020
Hi, i’m looking for a high quality branded replicas of clothes, footwear and bags.
Kevin| 27/06/2020
Hi Daniil, sure, we have good qaulity manufacturers for fashion clothes, footwear and bags.
Our staff send you some produt cataloues, please check and reply.
We are sourcing and buying agent company in Guangzhou China, and focus on wholesale purchasing from factory supplier.
John| 24/06/2020
Hello, i am looking for a high quality replicas ( Top quality 1:1 ) of fashion brands as balenciaga, louis vuitton and etc. Can you help me with that?
Kevin| 27/06/2020
Hi John, we have manufacture suppliers for fashion designer products.
And there are many famous branded items which you meantioned.
Our staff send you a mail with some top quality products.
Please check and reply.
Lany| 22/06/2020
Hi, i am interested high end brand clothing with Top quality (1:1 ) I want to sell online in indonesia. At the moment I am buying all the time for myself but now I want to sell. Can you pls help to find. Thank you
Kevin| 23/06/2020
Hi Lany, for high end brand clothing with top quality, sure, we have many good manufacturers for various brand name.
We are sourcing and purchasing agent company in Guangzhou, China, where is the best marketplace for fashion design clothing.
We can easily supplie you high quality brand name products, with top quality and nice prices.
Our staff sent you a mail with some product catalogues, please check and reply.
If you have own interested clothing designs or styles, we can check with our factory suppliers and feedback you quotation list.
Fabio| 20/06/2020
Ciao vorrei comprare repliche di grandi marche 1:1 ma vorrei tutte le informazioni,foto,prezzi garanzia sui pagamenti,no truffe.
Potete contattarmi per aiutarmi?
Kevin| 23/06/2020
Hi Fabio, for branded products, we have manufacturers with good quality and competitive prices.
We are sourcing and buying company in Guangzhou China, legal and reputation for import export purchasing business service.
Our staff contact you via email in english version, and sent you some trendy products for your idea.
Please check and reply to help us understand you interested designs and styles, so that we can quote you a correct list.
Portia| 31/05/2020
Hi , iv just started with my online shop and I need to find a good quality supplier of woman ,man ,kids clothes and shoes ,makeup accessories supplier, also 1:1 replica clothing please.
Kevin| 01/06/2020
Hi Portia, well noted about your business and products range.
Our staff sent you a mail with related products categories. Which are all from manufacturer suppliers directly.
For branded items, we have some good factory suppliers too.
Could you please feedback us more about your interested designs and styles?
Better to help us know more about your own interested items. So that we can source and quote you detailed order list.
Zuza| 24/05/2020
Hi dear
Im interested in women clothes high end quality with excellent prices.. I wish if you can provide me with the detailes by email or whatApp
Thank you
Kevin| 25/05/2020
Hi Zuza, sure, we are experienced in fashion clothing for women, men, and kids.
And we have many good quality manufacturers suppliers.
Sure, we will share you some high quality clothing items, please check your mail.
Please feedback more about your interested items, then we can discuss further.
Meantime, we are sourcing and buying company in Guangzhou, China. Where is the best marketplace for clothing products in China.
zomuanpuii pachuau| 14/05/2020
Hi,i am opening a shop soon.I nèed clothing,footwear,bags and stuffs.I also want branded copy/replicas.Please contact me.
Kevin| 14/05/2020
hi we already send you some product categories, trendy clothing, shoes, bags, accessories, etc.
Our products are come from Chinese manufactuers direclty, and resell in a very competitive price.
If you want to know more, please communicate via email.
adam| 05/05/2020
hi please contact with mei am interested some womens product
Kevin| 06/05/2020
hi Adam, we already contact you and send you some of our women clothing products.
We shall follow up your inquiries and orders.
Rachid Bessam| 04/05/2020
Im looking for replica products
Please contact me
Kevin| 04/05/2020
Hi Rachid, our staff already contacted you, and send you some products categories to you.
We can source good wholesalers in Guangzhou market, or buy fashion textile products directly from manufactuers.
Faez| 03/05/2020
Hi, I’m looking for a supplier for 1:1 Quality for replica trainers… I want to order upon request so I need fast supplier
Kevin| 04/05/2020
hi Faez, our collegue is contacting you, and send you trainers products online.
We are sourcing company in Guangzhou China, have many good manufacturer suppliers.
We can help you buy and export from China market.
Vanny| 23/04/2020
Hi I’m interested in starting a business selling High grade 1:1 for clothing, shoes,bag I need a reliable and fast supplier, could you please help me
Kevin| 24/04/2020
hi Vanny, sure, we are manufacturer supplier managemnet, have many factories for different branded items.
We sent you a mail with categories for idea.
We can discuss more via email.
Moshe| 21/04/2020
I need super copy replica please make contact.
Kevin| 22/04/2020
hi Moshe, we sent you a catalog link for your idea.
We are sourcing company, with many good manufacturer suppliers.
We can discuss via email.
Wavyy| 17/04/2020
Hi I’m interested in starting a business selling High grade 1:1 items such as designers and streetwear clothing, shoes, accessories ( like offwhite, balenciaga, yeezys etc) I need a reliable and fast supplier, could you please help me 🙂
Kevin| 17/04/2020
hi Wavyy, we sent you a mail, please check and reply.
For your product, we can help you sourcing and buy from factory suppliers directly.
As we have many good suppliers for such categories.
Joe| 16/04/2020
Hi, I would like to start an online business selling in Mexico about the best fake branded items like shoes, clothing, accessories etc. I would like to ask if your company is gonna help to source manufacturers in China for me?
Kevin| 16/04/2020
hi Joe, sure, we can help you source manufacturer and buy from China market.
And we are experienced in fashion textile products. Such as shoes, clothing, bags and accessories.
For branded items, we can discuss further via email. Please check and reply.
Matthew| 14/04/2020
Hi, I would like to start an online business selling in Malaysia about the best fake branded items like shoes, clothing, accessories etc. I would like to ask if your company is gonna help to source manufacturers in China for me?
Kevin| 15/04/2020
hi Mattew, sure, glad to serve you for sourcing and buying from China.
For such branded items, is popular in Guangzhou wholesale markets.
While we buy from factory suppliers directly. And only sell high quality products.
Our staff already send you a mail. Please check and reply. then discuss further details.
Lungs| 13/04/2020
Hi I would like Grade aaa branded clothing and shoes for wholesale
Kevin| 14/04/2020
hi Lungs, sure, for such fashion designer products, we have many good suppliers.
Our collegue Miss Betty already send you a mail. Please discuss with her about your interested styles of clothing and shoes products.
Jjpp| 10/04/2020
Hello , i want good quality replica T-shirts. Can you help me with this?
Kevin| 11/04/2020
hi, we sent you a mail. For your interested t-shirt product, we can discuss further via email.
Rubik| 07/04/2020
Hello. I want to open an online store and sell your goods. But for this I need pictures. How can I get them?
Kevin| 07/04/2020
hi Rubik, online shop is great for nowaday’s business. Sure, and I hope you shall be great successful in your online shop sales.
Yeah, we can share you our featured products pictures, no problem.
Please contact us via email, with your interested goods. We have so many Chinese suppliers and products.
Better to understand your requirements, then we can send you our products accordingly.
By the way, we are trade company for import export service, sourcing buying and export from China wholesale markets. Not a manufacturer or factory supplier.
Harout| 03/04/2020
Hello. I want to know the link of the online store, where can I buy replicas.Please send me the link if you can.I want to open a store in our city.Thank you a lot.
Kevin| 05/04/2020
hi Harout, we are not online shop. and we are trade company serve sourcing, buying and export.
We have many good replica manufacturers, with high quality products.
Our staff Miss Grace, will contact you.
Simon Habte| 01/04/2020
Hi !
I need to find the best 1:1 replica designer clothes for a low price. I sell replica designer clothes on Instagram and I have 5000+ followers. I want to dropship. I hope you can help me.
Kevin| 01/04/2020
hi Simon, Miss Grace is communnicating with you already.
James| 11/03/2020
I am from India and I want to start up a shoe and a watch store here… I want replica luxury watches and branded shoes with original box and proper Billings…
Kevin| 11/03/2020
Hi James, for watches and shoes products, we can serve you. no problem. as there are large wholesale markets.
While for your interested items, is a little bit special.
Better to send us your detailed requirements via email.
So that we can discuss further.
Hle| 06/03/2020
I need to buy replica clothes
Kevin| 08/03/2020
hi Hle, Miss Betty sent you a mail with some desinger clothing quotation. Please check and rely.
Such clothes is popular in Guangzhou wholesale markets. We can sourcing and buying for you.
While too much quality level with difference price in a same design. So that need your help to focus on correct products.
Carla| 06/03/2020
Hi I’d like to buy replica t-shirts mainly, also want to buy a ocks as nd bags. Can you please contact me.
Kevin| 08/03/2020
hi Carla, for such designer t-shirt, and other fashion products, no problem.
There are large wholesale markets, and we also can buy from China factories directly.
Miss Betty will contact you.
Sam| 22/01/2020
Thanks for the infomation,but i have low budget in 5000usd for first time to be seller it’s enough for buy branded stuff?
Kevin| 22/01/2020
Hi Sam, we sent you a mail. please check.
For you interested products that told us in another messages, we think it’s no problem.
Please feedback more detailed requirements via email.
Then we can discuss more.
Antonio Castillo| 05/01/2020
Hi can somebody help me find some good quality clothes and nice fashion plz
Kevin| 06/01/2020
Hi Antonio, sure, we can help you sourcing and buying good quality clothes.
As well as fashion design products.
We sent you a mail with some basic information of our company.
Please check and reply. Then we can discuss further.
Misha| 30/12/2019
I need clothing copy brand-Pls contact
Kevin| 31/12/2019
Hi Misha, for copy brand clothing, yes, it’s popular in China.
While maybe there are some issues need communicate with you first.
Welcome to contact us via email.
Bryan| 17/12/2019
Im looking for replica products
Please contact me
Kevin| 19/12/2019
Hi Bryan, now understand better that you are interested in replica products.
In fact, copy branded products are very popular in some wholesale markets. while it’s illegal in business, and need pay attention to the buying and shipping way.
Anyway, maybe we can give you some detailed suggestions of your purchasing business.
Keep in touch.
Daniel| 15/12/2019
Hi,I am interested in starting a furniture shop in sweden . Can I please have a guide on how to outsource furnitures in china
Kevin| 16/12/2019
hi Daniel, great to know you are starting furniture business soon. Sure, we can help you sourcing, buying, and export shipping service from China.
Please contact us via email, and help us to focus on your interested items. In Guangzhou Foshan, there are many big furniture wholesale markets, we can help you find the best suppliers or manufacturers.
For further information, we can discuss via email or whatsApp.