Shoes wholesale markets in Guangzhou is the distribution center of China footwear factories. Because Guangzhou is the best marketplace for shoes export trade from China. In fact, shoes export business in Guangzhou, has been developing for more than 50 years. So that most of China footwear factories operate wholesale shops in Guangzhou markets. There are dozens large shoes markets for bulk purchasing in Guangzhou. And ten thousands vendors wholesale footwear products to mainland cities or export from China. Meantime, millions shoes buyers are sourcing and purchasing bulk orders every season. Then export from China with their buying agent or trade companies.
Why shoes products are so popular in China markets for wholesale and export trading? Same as clothing products and fashion fabric categories. Because of the good quality manufacturer techniques. And lower labor cost with cheap price. Furthermore, for the shoes fabric and footwear sole raw material, China is the best marketplace for bulk purchasing. Then the China footwear factories are developing very good. In Guangzhou shoes markets, you can find any kinds of footwear. Such as lady leather shoes, kids sandal or slipper, and men’s gym sneakers. As well as boots, trainers, sports shoes, etc. Shangjin China is experienced in footwear trading. Including sourcing, buying and export shoes from Guangzhou markets. As well as purchasing bulk shoes orders from China footwear factories for custom made service.
Featured Shoes Products Purchasing Bulk And Export From Guangzhou Wholesale Markets
There are so many kinds shoes styles in Guangzhou markets for bulk purchasing to export. No matter you are retailers buy from wholesalers. Or you are brand shoes company purchasing from China footwear factories for bulk orders. Because all of the China footwear factories are gathering in Guangzhou shoes markets to develop export trade business. So that foreign buyers can easily sourcing and find good shoes suppliers in Guangzhou markets. Such as women leather shoes, kids sandals and slippers. Or fashion boots, sports shoes, trainers, etc. Of course, you can find shoes suppliers for lady, girl, and children. Or boy, men, and any teen-ages.
1. Different quality and price level for purchasing bulk shoes in various footwear fabric and designs
(1) High quality shoes markets
In Guangzhou shoes wholesale markets, you can easily find any kinds China footwear wholesalers or factories. For any kinds of fashion shoes. And all of them are reasonable price and quality. For example, shoes fabric in leather, PU, and EVA. Or canvas shoes, special function sports trainers, and fashion trendy handwork boots. Meantime, you can find different quality level for same or similar shoes designs. Even the footwear material are similar. Why? Because the sewing work, machines, and quality controlling level are not same. So that in Guangzhou shoes market, you can find different footwear wholesale buildings for different price level. And if you are not familiar with China footwear factories or suppliers. Maybe you can know so much hidden rules to export shoes from Guangzhou market.
By the way, there is a best shoes market for top quality footwear. While the suppliers are mainly for brand shoes designs. Although they wholesale to China mainland and export from Guangzhou. But for bulk purchasing, it’s not a good marketplace. For top quality footwear factories, is no need to export from Guangzhou. Better to contact them and place bulk orders to the footwear factories directly. When you have good quantities shoes orders. In order to custom made service in China footwear factories.

Fashion high heel women shoes for party dresses – bulk purchasing or wholesale purchasing export from China market
(2) Middle quality level or cheap shoes markets
There are many large wholesale markets for bulk purchasing and export from Guangzhou. And for different quality and price level. For instance, Hualigong shoes markets if for men’s leather shoes, sports footwear, and sandals. While most of then are trading company. Who have several footwear factories in China. Meantime, Buyuntiandi shoes market, is mainly for high quality footwear wholesale. While the shoes suppliers are mainly wholesalers or resellers. And they are focus on mainland footwear markets distributions. If you want to custom made shoes brand with own logo. Better to sourcing and purchasing in Buyuntiandi or Hualigong. Maybe the price should be higher. But the footwear factories are good quality.
(3) Cheaper price shoes markets export from Guangzhou
If you want to buy cheaper or lower price shoes. There are several shoes wholesale markets for bulk purchasing and export in Guangzhou. The most famous one is Dadushi shoes market. Which is mainly for middle or lower quality shoes. With cheap price. But the quality is good enough for some african markets. Or some lower price resell shoes markets. In fact, the footwear factories or suppliers in Dadushi shoes market, is good quality enough for most of the foreign buyers. Who are wholesalers or retailers. Meantime, there is a shoes street market. Whose name is Gaodi. In Gaodi shoes market, most of the shoes products are the cheapest in Guangzhou. And you can find many lady high heel shoes in leather or PU fabric material. Or men’s sports, gym shoes in the market.
2. Custom made bulk purchasing from China footwear factories
Many fashion shoes brand company are seeking China footwear factories. For their unique design shoes custom made service. Absolutely not a problem to find good footwear factories in Guangzhou shoes wholesale markets, and export from China. While better for you to hire a China sourcing agent. As there are a little difficulties to find good footwear factories. Especially for high quality bulk purchasing orders. Or if you want to the cheapest shoes export from Guangzhou. As the best way is to sourcing and find the footwear factories from China manufacturer hubs. And you buying agent in China can sourcing in shoes wholesale markets. Or find the China footwear factories from online shops.
Furthermore, you buying agent can guide you purchasing bulk orders from China footwear factories. As there are so many detailed issues to pay attention to. Such as soles material, footwear fabrics, and metal trims. As well as the MOQ, price, delivery time and methods, etc. And in custom made service for shoes bulk purchasing. The most important is the quality inspection. Not only the bulk production, but also the sample quality before you purchasing. As well as your private logo, individual embroidery for logo, and special requirements for footwear material or trims.
3. Footwear accessories wholesale markets in Guangzhou for export trade business in China
Because of the best shoes wholesale markets in Guangzhou. And the footwear factories are developing wholesale business in China. So that many footwear accessories or trims factories come to Guangzhou, develop wholesale and export business from China. Then Guangzhou now is a completed supplier chain for shoes factories and footwear wholesale export trading in China. In Guangzhou, you can find many footwear fabric markets. Or shoes trims, hardware, accessories, etc. Many shoes brand companies, or fashion designers are sourcing and buying in Guangzhou. And they will buy samples, bulk purchasing from China wholesale factories, or export from Guangzhou suppliers.
The most famous shoes material markets, is Xinghaopan. Which is the biggest footwear accessories and trims wholesale markets in China. And the best marketplace for export trading from Guangzhou. In the wholesale markets, you can find ten thousands footwear accessories suppliers. Such as shoes fabric material, footwear soles suppliers, and metal trims. And you can find many kinds of normal products for shoes industry. Some for shoes accessories. Or shoes maintain. Or shoes brand image material, like shopping bags, tags, labels. And so on.
4. Most of the countries are export from China footwear factories or Guangzhou shoes wholesale markets
There are many countries clients purchasing bulk and export from Guangzhou. Normally, they want to find wholesale suppliers in China. But finally, they choose Guangzhou for wholesale buying and export from China. Yes, it’s a correct choice. Because even you can find good China wholesale suppliers or manufacturers in other cities. But you still need consider about the quality inspection process. As well as the consolidating and shipping methods. Of course, the most important is that. They can find good footwear factories in Guangzhou wholesale shops. Then they bulk purchasing directly from the footwear wholesale shops or factories boutiques.
For instance, Spain lady apparel brand company, sourcing and export from Guangzhou. Or Italian clients purchase semi-finished shoes products to India footwear factories. And shoes wholesale buyers from Los Angeles USA, purchase bulk and export from Guangzhou. Meantime, many other countries shoes brand company, fashion buyers, or designs are sourcing and wholesale buying from China. Such as Israel, UK, Canada, Aus, etc. As well as Korean, Japan, Thailand, etc. Shangjin is experienced in shoes wholesale purchasing and export bulk from Guangzhou. Or from footwear factories in other China cities. Such as Putian, Zhangzhou, Jinjiang in Fujian province. Or Wenzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yiwu, etc.
5. Shangjin trading sourcing and purchasing bulk shoes from China wholesale markets or footwear factories
Shangjin is always focus on clothing, textile, shoes and bags products. To sourcing and wholesale buying from China wholesale markets. Not only bulk purchasing and export from Guangzhou markets. But also sourcing and buying from other China wholesale markets or factories. For shoes and footwear accessories, we wholesale buy and export from Guangzhou, and other China cities.
(1) Footwear manufacturer hubs in China
Although Guangzhou is the best market place for wholesale shoes and export from China. But Guangzhou is not the manufacturer hubs of footwear products. In fact, footwear factories and trims accessories manufacturers are in Fujian, Chengdu, and Zhejiang province. For instance, Fujian is famous for sports shoes, gym footwear, and copy brand products. And the most famous is for the trainers, sandals, and slippers. While Chengdu is mainly for the leather, PU, EVA lady’s shoes. Because most of the footwear factories are move from Zhejiang province. If you want to buy cheap shoes. Wenzhou is the best choice. For any kinds of shoes. Of course, the quality is poor. And MOQ of footwear factories are large. In Wenzhou, Yiwu, and Ningbo, is famous for canvas shoes, sandals, and plush footwear.
(2) Offices in Guangzhou and Ningbo to wholesale service export from China
Shangjin has offices in Guangzhou and Ningbo. And we always dedicate in sourcing all over the China cities. To find the best manufacture suppliers or wholesale markets. Then purchasing bulk orders and export service for our clients. So that we can sourcing, wholesale buying, and export from many China cities like service in Guangzhou. No problem for us to service in any China cities. By the way, we have warehouses in Guangzhou, Foshan, and Ningbo too. According to the bulk orders purchasing from China wholesale suppliers. We can rent temporary warehouse for export shipping service.
For instance, market guide service in Yiwu wholesale markets. Or purchasing bulk shoes orders from Wenzhou footwear factories. Or buy fashion lady high heel leather shoes from Shanghai manufacturers. As well as buy children plush slippers from Ningbo footwear factories. And sourcing Guangzhou wholesalers to export shoes from Putian sports footwear factories. Mostly, we service shoes brand companies for custom made. To sourcing shoes suppliers in wholesale markets or online shops. And follow up further for bulk orders purchasing.